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The Circuit System

Each boulder problem is now categorized into a range of possible grades relative to your climbing style. Circuits deemphasize grades and give climbers a more accurate understanding of their skill level.

The Circuit System

Each boulder problem is now categorized into a range of possible grades relative to your climbing style. Circuits deemphasize grades and give climbers a more accurate understanding of their skill level.

Redefine Progress

Circuits give you a new way to measure progress in the gym.

V grades only represent the perceived difficulty of a climb, not your actual ability to climb it.

You may get shut down on a climb labeled V4 that does not play to your strengths, while you crush a V5 that does.

Explore Your Potential

You have unlimited potential.

Growth comes through working on weaknesses, embracing new challenges, and discovering your own personal motivation to climb - not from chasing a number.

Circuits foster growth by encouraging you to project a wider range of climbs.

Create the Conversation

Circuits encourage conversation; you decide how difficult each climb feels.

There are multiple styles of climbs within each circuit, and these varying styles influence how difficult you perceive a climb to be.

By deemphasizing grades, circuits can help you get stronger and more skilled as a climber.

Circuit Chart
Circuit Master

The year is 2021. Rock climbers have evolved past the v-scale. They seek deeper understanding of their own abilities. In order to succeed, they must become the Master of the Circuit.

Choose Your Climber