- All visitors must sign a release waiver agreement and participate in a facility orientation, including auto belay and bouldering instruction, in order to enter the facility. This includes both participants and spectators.
- All personal climbing equipment must meet industry safety standards. Climb So iLL reserves the right to prohibit use of non-commercial equipment including but not limted to rescue, fire, tree, or homemade equipment. All equipment brought into the Climb So iLL facility shall be used at the sole and exclusive risk of the owner or operator of such equipment.
- All participants must be checked for proficiency and receive approval from a Climb So iLL staff member before lead climbing, lead belaying, or top rope belaying in the facility.
- All belayers and climbers must use proper belay technique and agree to DOUBLE CHECK their setup before beginning the climb. The belayer will check the climber’s gear and knots, and the climber will check the belayer’s system and exchange confirmation that the setup is correct. This is important and must be performed at the start of EACH AND EVERY CLIMB!
- All participants must be familiar with safety procedures related to using the auto-belay and agree to DOUBLE CHECK their setup before beginning each climb. Participants may not climb more than three feet to either side of the auto-belay.
- Bouldering is allowed only on the “Eye Wall” and the “Basement Training Wall.” Bouldering is prohibited in any roped climbing area. A climber’s voluntary participation in bouldering indicates their acknowledgement that bouldering is very dangerous and neither a spotter nor padded flooring may prevent injuries. Spotters understand that they may be injured by the boulderer if they should fall.
- Participant must be at least 14 years of age in order to top rope belay and 16 years of age in order to lead climb and belay or use exercise and training equipment. Climb So iLL employees may make exceptions to this rule.
- Climbers under the age of 16 must be under active parental supervision at all times.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the climbing areas.
- Horseplay or roughhousing of any kind will not be tolerated.
- All participants must keep personal belongings in lockers, cubbies, and other designated areas. Climb So iLL is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Instruction in the facility is strictly prohibited. Only Climb So iLL employees are allowed to provide instruction regarding climbing safety.
- No climbing or belaying is allowed while under the influence of intoxicating substances.
- Climb So iLL is a community of mutual respect and common courtesy. We aim to facilitate an environment in which our entire community (members, guests, staff, and more) feel confident and comfortable interacting with one another and enjoying the sport of climbing.
Climb So iLL reserves the right to add to the above list as it sees appropriate to provide a safe environment for its patrons. Refusal to abide by any Climb So iLL rule can cause the loss of climbing privileges without a refund.